
The angels, saints, and Fidel Valenzuela, are the servants who - by God's grace - put this work together. 

In the beginning of Fidel's life, everything seemed to be going well for him. He was presented the highest honor in Boy Scouts of America - Eagle Scout - by the mayor of his city, and was awarded the highest ranks in Venture Crew of America - Silver and Ranger Award. He later graduated valedictorian of his high school. 

However, around the time of his graduation, he began to lose faith and question the religion of his upbringing. He fell into a deep depression due to lack of purpose and failed relationships. 

In response to his depression and darkness, he dedicated himself to countless hours of philosophical and religious studies. After a few months had passed, and reflecting daily on the words of Jesus, he received a new sense of life and hope. He found sanctuary in God through the Church, and a few months after that, reverted to the Catholic faith in 2011 - being Confirmed that same year. On his journey since then, he has continued to find solace in the Heart of Jesus through Mary, and has decided to dedicate this site to their intentions.

Fidel holds several certificates in English, and an A.A. in Philosophy. In 2017, he graduated summa cum laude from Catholic Distance University with a B.A. in Theology. To continue serving the people of God, he aspires to be a theologian and philanthropist. In his downtime, he enjoys playing chess, speculating in the stock market, and of course, spending quality time with family and friends. 

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