Why Can't Homosexual Unions Be Marriages?

Why can’t homosexual unions be marriages?

Homosexual unions cannot be marriages for the following reason/s, which will be presented in standard argument form:

Premise (P) 1:

Marriage, by definition, is [1] a "covenant [agreement], by which [2] a man and a woman [3] establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life and [4] which is ordered by its nature to the good of the spouses and [5] the procreation and [6] education of offspring" (Cann. 1055).

Though this definition is taken from the Catholic Code of Canon Law, this definition can be derived by the observance of natural order.


Homosexual unions are not between a [2] man and woman.


Homosexual unions [4] by nature are not ordered to the good of the significant other.

The good of the other means that which promotes the purpose of the other.

By natural observation one can understand that the sexual organs are not used according to their purpose in homosexual unions. Sexual organs are part of the significant other. Therefore, it follows that such unions are not ordered to the promotion of the purpose of the significant other.


Homosexual unions [5] by nature are not ordered to the procreation of offspring.


Homosexual unions [6] by nature are not ordered to the education of children.

As stated by others, both masculine and feminine (psychological) aspects of parenting are needed for proper education of children.


Therefore, homosexual unions can never be or become marriages.

Concluding remarks:

Some may disagree with this argument only because they disagree with the definition of marriage. (One cannot disagree without offending logic otherwise.) However, there are no fundamentally better definitions of marriage. If you believe you have a better definition of marriage please comment below with it. God willing, when we have extra time, we will respond to those definitions of marriage in another article.

St. Raphael the Archangel, pray for us!

By: Fidel Valenzuela

© Servants of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts

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